
Oct 14 2017

Escort Application Photo Guidelines

You’ve reached this page as you want to apply for a job at Elite BBW Escorts (excellent choice). The photos you submit at the application stage are VERY important and will make the difference between you being interviewed for one of the best paid jobs of your life, or your application being sent to the recycle bin. Pleeeease take time to get these photos right. We are not interested in your holiday pics from Zante ’97, photos of you sat on your pet horse or selfies from a nightclub toilet. We also don’t want to see close ups of your arse or any other part of your anatomy. Here are our guidelines on what we want, and what we don’t want. Please read them carefully.


  • Photos taken purely
  • for your Elite BBW Escorts application, either by yourself in front of a mirror, or taken by a friend (fib and say they are for something else).
  • Photos taken in natural daylight.
  • Photos that are clear and not blurred.
  • Photos taken against a plain, uncluttered wall.
  • You should be wearing two piece lingerie and heels with your midriff and face showing. Hold ups optional.
  • You should be standing in your photos, though one face shot would be appreciated.
  • Do put on make up (not too much) and style your hair.
  • Show us how you would look during a booking.
  • Send photos in a few poses – you can use the photos on our site for posing inspiration.


  • Professional photos that have been retouched.
  • Fully clothed photos.
  • Photos where your face cannot be clearly seen.
  • Photos that were taken more than a month ago.
  • Photos taken in artificial light (these always make you look terrible). Group photos of you and your mates (which one are you??)
  • Poor quality photos either from a webcam, crap camera or taken in dim light.
  • Photos in poses other than standing.